One veteran looks back and writes down

Some of these are a bit rough, residue from the angry and thirsty time after the war.

Why “Take It On The Left Foot”?

The line “take it on the left foot” is a common phrase when running and singing cadence.

Looking back on the twenty-five years I served in the Marine Corps, I am reminded that I worked with amazing people and had such rich experiences.  I have stories to tell, to pass them along in the same way that so much was passed on to me.  Writing this blog gives me the opportunity to do so.  I recognize that I am now a “gray beard”.  My time is over.  The next generation marches on.  I hope to lend to them some perspective, some wisdom, or maybe just a good laugh.   

As I took off the uniform I sang “take it on the left foot!”   My song is echoing for just a bit as I blend back into the crowd.

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