The Title

The Marine Corps has a pretty tough barrier to entry. After meeting the preliminary requirements to take up the challenge, you must endure physical and mental challenges that will make you question the decision to attempt such a thing.

Earned, never given. Forged in fire. The Few, the Proud. Earning the title Marine is demanding, but once you make it through the crucible…in the modern Corps and actual event called the Crucible…you are called Marine.

It does not matter what your background is, your demographic composition. What matters is that you embrace the Corps’ values, ethos, and identity; that you meet the demands, requirements, and attributes of a United States Marine.

If you do so, you will find a home, a family, and a purpose. You will become something special, something different, and something of great respect. The relationships you form will cement stronger than any you experience before or after the transformation. You will never again be alone. You will be a part of something greater than yourself, and you will represent something bigger than yourself.

The mission will take priority. It will demand sacrifice. You may lose your life…what’s worse…your brother may lose his. You will carry on after him, that will be hard.

You must walk tall, reminded that those who came before you, who also bore the title Marine…well, you represent them. Do it well Marine.

Semper Fidelis.